Thursday, June 14, 2012

Merry Christmas from Boston!: Great CCSS Web Resources

Hi Folks! I'm attending a Learning and Leadership Center Common Core State Standards Conference this week. One word--AWESOME! While here in Boston I've put together some great online resources that take into consideration UDL and address leadership and teacher development in CCSS, content area teaching, and growth mindset.

In the spirit of Christmas in June (come on, I'm trying to give you a gift--just go with it!), here are the websites. Enjoy exploring them! Your feedback about which ones you like is welcome!

Common Core State Standards Initiative

Illustrative Mathematics

Achieving the Core Standard for All Children

Teaching Channel


Google in Education

The IRIS Center

Advancing education through web based learning

free teaching resources for special education

Integrating technology into research-based strategies

REL Northwest

Inside Mathematics

Mindset Works (a product, but it is so important and looks great!)

Google in Education--new and great compilation of resources. Leave it to Google!

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