Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Every Journey Starts with the First Step

This is my first step of a year-long journey to discover ways to reach and engage leaners that extend beyond the traditional ways of teaching. Not that there's anything wrong with tradition, but we all know that technology is here to stay. I know that I must lead by example with those educators I support.

How would I describe my current level of knowledge about technology-internet, hardware, software, etc? I would say I'm a "middler"--that is, I'm stuck in the middle of learning, but I frequently get side tracked by, as a friend tells me, "shiny, sparkly things." No more. Today is the first Don Quixote-type quest to "reach the unreachable dream" of learning everything there is to learn about how to infuse new technologies into teaching keeping in mind the 3 principles of universal design for learning-multiple means of representation, action and expression, and engagement. As I learn and outline my findings, I will make connections with UDL.

Thus begins a year long, weekly look at different ways of reaching learners. Each week, I will focus on an instructional methodology or resource that can enhance learning for our 21st century students. You are welcome to journey with me and share your thoughts, too. The journey is always more enjoyable with company!

Remember...this is one person's learning ideas related to UDL...one step at a time! See you back here next week.

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