Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Mind Explosion!

Since my last entry I have found myself sucked into the vortex of Pinterest. I know what you are thinking: this is certainly not where you'd think that I'd begin my year long exploration into technology to support learning. However, I'll make the argument that it is a down-and-dirty way of quickly clustering same topic resources. If you are the only other person in the world who doesn't use Pinterest, you're on your own now. I am hooked. I remember a crafty friend, a real D-I-Yer, telling me a while back about it, but honestly, I did not get it. If you are a visual person, the ability to organize and bookmark visually by topic is very appealing. I have been pretty darn selective of my "pins" on my boards, remembering the sage advice of "garbage in, garbage out." The two boards I've created to post on are "Fire those neurons!" (educational technology related) and "Common Core State Standards." All pins are GREAT resources that on their own merit, deserve to be showcased.

Slip on over to my Fire those neurons! board for some great technology resources that will make your day!

Remember...this is one person's learning ideas related to UDL...one step at a time! See you back here next week.

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